Camino 2018 - Days 22-28

Day 22 – Hospital de Óbrigo to Astorga

We set out this morning in sub-zero (Celsius) temperatures and a biting wind…and by the afternoon…we were still freezing.  This was not what the travel brochures said sunny Spain would be like in May!  (I write this knowing full well that I will be complaining about the heat in 3-4 days.). We stopped whenever we could today to order a cup of coffee…not for the taste…but for the chance to bring life back to our fingers.  Looking around at the other shivering pilgrims huddled in the cafes…a level of cranky silence has replaced the normally cheery banter.  But the day ended on a high note as we entered the beautiful city of Astorga…and our warm lodging for the evening.

Although we are still at altitude (3500 feet above sea level), we have left the high desert and returned to days of gaining and giving back elevation.  From the hills above Astorga, we came across the Stone Cross of Santo Toribio, and had a great view of the city…but also of the mountains we have yet to cross.

The last few days we have seen many examples of Roman bridges, roads…and walls.  Above are a few examples of those.  Very impressive structures…thick walls of stone…walls to repel invaders…beautiful walls.  Not sure who the Romans made pay for them?…  It is ironic how these walls now attract foreign pilgrims and visitors.

One other final note…we have now been in Europe for a month…and have enjoyed it immensely.  We miss home and we will be happy to be back in late May.  But one thing we have not missed is worrying about gun violence.  We have walked through multiple towns, cities, urban and rural locations and gun violence is just not the same here…due to a lot of different sensible approaches in each country.  In the US, we need to come up with our own solutions to gun violence and the vast majority of Americans want action.  We will be returning to the US with renewed energy to push for sensible gun reform. (At “The March For Our Lives” in NYC below).


  1. Good evening, pilgrims !!
    Maybe we have chosen, unknowingly, a bad day to do that little questionnaire. We see that it has been a very cold and very hard day, maybe those circumstances (especially hypothermia) have a negative influence on your answers; but we have two good news, the first we have seen that the temperatures for tomorrow are a little higher and without rain and the second we assume you will have tasted the cocido maragato, which is typical of the Maragatería region, province of León, Especially famous is the city of Astorga where you are.
    Happy and well-deserved rest.
    Cheer up !!

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